Share your viewpoint in the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Sustainability Survey
In a field where we strive to create a better world and better future, how equitable, diverse and inclusive is the sector of sustainability? Diversity in Sustainability, a new non-profit focused on increasing equity, diversity and inclusion in the field of sustainability, would like to hear more about your background, your experience working in sustainable packaging and design, any barriers you had entering the field, and if your organization supports equity, diversity and inclusion.
Please fill out the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Sustainability survey, by clicking here, before March 23, 2021. A global summary of the findings will be shared in Summer 2021.
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NEW: Introducing the IFS Split Assessment
We are pleased to introduce the IFS Split Assessment, an on-site assessment part combined with a remote part. IFS is convinced that on-site visits are necessary to effectively evaluate good manufacturing and hygiene practices which are central to certification requirements. However, documentation can be checked remotely, which is why we have developed the IFS Split Assessment. It applies to all recertifications for IFS standards and programs, except Broker. The IFS Split Assessment ensures the integrity of an IFS certification while recognizing the strain the Covid-19 pandemic has placed on auditor travel and the risks of extended face-to-face contact. Read more about our split assessment solution.
To learn more about the IFS PACsecure packaging standard, visit our website at and if you have questions, contact
Find an IFS Recognized Consultant, Certification Body, IFS Training Centre.